Dec 25, 2011

聖誕節快樂(Merry Christmas!)‏

Have a 'Holly Jolly Christmas!' There isn't another way to have it, is there.

Obviously, this season just brings back memories and joy for me every year. (Go having a birthday within a week of this sacred event.) I think now of how I will have the privelage of spending another Christmas in the mission field in the service of the Master. The day may be different, I may be racing around on my bike finding people to teach the glorious gospel messag, but the joy will be greater as I give of myself.

I loved to be able to talk to everyone on Christmas Eve your time, Christmas my time. It was great to hear Christian as he answered the phone. Me, "Wei2...This is Elder Andersen." Him, "Hey Brian..." live simply revolves and the pace we live it.

I'll have you know we ate like proper American missionaries this Christmas. Breakfast was French toast (with the special cake that was sent...topped in Leatherby's Hot Fudge sauce), Lunch BBQ Nachos (it's hard to explain, but it was delicious), and Dinner was Turkey in gravy, mashed potatoes and green bean cassarole.(I can't spell this word. I won't blame being on a chinese speaking mission) a side note I realized it works very well with fresh green beans. I quickly fried them up, then added some water and boiled/steamed them. I seasoned them with Renaissance Rub salt and pepper and they were delicious. Also, because of the lack of oven capabilities I cooked the main portion in the wok, which also worked very well. go delicious onion smell.

Beyond all of this we had a great time this week as we found and taught a new investigator. 程彥龍 is an incredible phone referral. We will be teaching him quite a bit in the coming weeks and hope that he can progress and receive the fullness of the gospel.

李總 was baptized yesterday! He is and will continue to grow and become a great member in the ward. His testimony of the peace that the gospel brings was incredible. He said that when he comes to church he has a feeling of almost indescribable joy.

Kenny has hit what would seem to be the mists of darkness. He has learned all, but is still not quite willing to live up to the commitment to be baptized. We hope to help him and Jeremy as they both continue to grow and progress towards their eternal home. I hope that we can see them baptized, though the Lord will prepare his children and consecrate this time to their benefit as they turn to Him.
I had an experience with feelings of desiring more than anything for my investigator to change. I realized that is what God wants for all of us, but many times he has to stand, with utmost assurance, that I will once again turn to Him. Luckily He has a perfect plan and my standing in faith before him won't go without notice. I love the chinese phrase used in Doctrine and Covenants 123:17 確信站住(it means: 'with sure faith stand still'...which simply reminds me to "be still and know that I am God"). Truly putting faith in the Lord and not in myself will take ever so much practice, patience, hope, and faith.

I know this is the Lord's work and His church, though the oppressor and deceiver may be rampant among the hearts of men, those of the the Savior's fold need not fear. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that we are led by a living prophet. I know that I am a Child of God, with all of the direction, love, and responsibility that entails. Our Heavenly Father is a God of miracles (and every day they come in the simplest ways.) I love this work.


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