Jan 1, 2012

新年快樂 Happy New Years!

The time comes and goes in the night like that. We wake up each day and we realize that this just brings us one step closer to not having the time we once had. It is so hard to understand just how to use all the time we have. The best we can do is pray the Lord will make us tools in His hands.

This week was absolutely incredible. Though we have found very few new people recently we have been able to find some of the most prepared souls. A man that I had contacted on the way to 台北 called us this week and set up a time (this almost never happens). He was looking for peace in this life. His name is Alan, 趙弟兄. He has already realized that God will answer prayers. I hope that we can help him to see the sunlight uplands of a life following the commandments of God. Another investigator that we found last week (程彥龍) is progressing so well. He came to church and loved it this week, then we went with him to a fireside. He loves to pray and has already realized the truth of this message...he was even willing to 傳教 (do missionary work). He will be an awesome member. The greatest thing that I realized is that we as missionaries yet again did absolutely nothing. The Lord placed the prepared people and He is teaching them. We are just the representatives.

李總 was confirmed and is doing really well. He is a busy man, but I hope that the ward will be able to take care of him. Our bishop is really good and despite the new year we did have many members to church. They talked about charity and our Heavenly Father yesterday.

I have learned this week that the Lord provides opportunities for growth in what would seem to be the most trying times. Though others may abuse, treat poorly, disregard, or disrespect nothing can displace a loving heart. The beacon of light comes through the chink in the wall, the crack in the caverns roof, the speck on the dusty window. The love of our Savior fills all cracks, pierces all hearts, and releases captives. What can separate me from His love?

I know that our Savior Jesus Christ Lives, that He died that I may live again. I know that His words have not ceased and the The Book of Mormon is His word. I know that His church is upon the earth and it is the path to happiness and eternal life.


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